Tuesday, February 12, 2013

A Matter of Passion

Part 2 – The Mission

Some twenty years ago, equipped with a personal mission statement and a purpose, I began to travel the country seeking an opportunity that would allow me to fulfill that mission and purpose. I was struck by the abundance of opportunity. It was everywhere! The challenge was finding one that was congruent with my values. 

Eventually I responded to an ad in the Wall Street Journal for a company called Leadership Management International. I made arrangements to visit Waco, Texas, and meet a man named Tony Stigliano.  I knew that something was right about the company the moment I walked through the door.  I felt very much at home with the friendly people and their warm, positive attitude. As I learned more about the company, I recognized that the values at LMI were very congruent with mine. In our concluding meeting, Tony Stigliano asked me, “Is LMI what you're looking for?”

I pulled out a 3x5 card that I carried with me. On it I had written my personal mission statement. I read it to him: "To enjoy a happy, fulfilling and purposeful life by remaining committed to a personal and professional goals program that will allow me to develop my physical, mental, and spiritual gifts to their fullest potential. To use my talents in engaged and focused activities that will enhance the quality of life, promote self-esteem, develop self-confidence, personal growth, and the fulfillment of human potential in myself, my family, my associates and those that I have the privilege to serve.

Tony smiled, and he said: "I think you've found what you're looking for.” 

He told me that I'd do well in this business because I was already a product of the product. I immediately thought Tony was a man of discerning taste and good judgment! I honestly thought that I was a product of the product, too.  But I quickly came to learn that I was not. That is an ongoing process. It's never ending. It's a journey, and not a destination.

I began my journey with LMI in August of 1993. It has been an exiting voyage of discovery for me, as well as for my associates and our clients. The vision that I articulated in my mission and purpose has become reality. I've never been happier, and more fulfilled, or more purposeful in my personal and professional life. 

This is a challenging business. I built more character in the first two years than I did in the previous ten. I had to overcome many obstacles, but the biggest – the very biggest – was myself. It gets lonely when you start out in a new business. I've successfully started businesses before, But I had forgotten how difficult it was. I told my wife it must be like having a baby; once it’s done, you forget the pain. She assured me very quickly that it was NOTHING like having a baby! Nonetheless, it was difficult.

I'm a very confident person, and yet there have been many times when I had to fight serious self-doubt. I had to keep moving forward one small step at a time toward the accomplishment of my goals. As I became more of a product of the product, I gained increased confidence in myself and in what we do. With increased confidence, I became more successful sharing the gift that we have to offer our clients. The more that I share the gift, the more appreciative that I become of the power we have to transform people's lives. 

Have you identified your mission and purpose? In this world of great opportunity, have you found the ones that are congruent with your values and will allow you to fulfill your mission and purpose?

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