Friday, May 5, 2017

How to Improve Focus and Concentration - Find Out What’s Holding You Back!

Do you have trouble staying focused?  Do you want to know how to improve focus and concentration? In the video above, we show you why you’re not good at focusing and how to fix that.
Here are some thoughts from the video on how you can improve your focus:

1. Practice, practice, practice!

Just like any other skill, practice leads to mastery. How can you expect to be good at something you’ve never learned?

2. Eliminate distractions.

You won’t improve your focus with the cell phone, laptop, and TV on. Multi-tasking only harms productivity. Try focusing on ONE thing at a time for 5-10 minutes. Set a timer and don’t beat yourself up if your mind wanders. Bringing your mind back to what you’re doing at the moment actually strengthens your focus.

3. Get Some Sleep.

Pulling an all-nighter or staying up that extra hour may seem desirable and productive at the time, but if you want to be energized and focused get 7-9 hours of sleep  each night regularly.

4. Get moving!

Studies show that moderate, regular exercise helps both the quality of your sleep and your ability to concentrate. Shoot some hoops, run around with your kids, or go for a hike in the woods.

5. Find Peaceful and Relaxing Environments.

Anxiety and stress are also causes for a lack of focus. Getting out in nature can help reduce your anxiety, and if you’re looking to manage the stress in your life, we suggest watching our video on that very subject:

6. Eat well.

Eating regular, healthy meals helps keep your blood sugar steady, and that is essential for good concentration. Your brain needs fuel!

7. Drink plenty of water.

Drinking enough water helps, as dehydration affects your concentration before you even feel thirsty! Tip: Caffeinated beverages don’t count - they can even result in a net loss of fluid! Caffeine can affect your sleep cycle, which we’ve seen doesn’t help your concentration!

Bonus Tip: How to Eliminate Distractions

Turn it ALL off! Anything that beeps, vibrates, rings, pops up, notifies or interrupts you will ruin your focus and concentration. Turn it all off until you’ve accomplished your task! The world will wait, and if you let people know this is your time to focus on what matters most, they will usually respect that.

For a greater understanding of how to improve your focus check out Dandipani’s TEDx Talk “Unwavering Focus” here:

Personal Development Coach Paul Brown and Facilitator Kevin Patterson draw on years of experience with hundreds of clients to help you along the journey of finding your purpose and passion in life. If that sounds like something you want then a good place to start is by subscribing to Living with a Purpose Academy

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